Saturday, April 21, 2007

If It Isn't One Thing...

Working for a tax accountant really makes for a rather preoccupied winter. I've managed to knit a bit and read a bit but real life has taken a back seat. I don't even work "full time" but to me, working everyday is full time. I simply don't manage work, husband, family, house work very well all at once. I've said before that I will probably never be classified as a workaholic or type-A personality since it's very simple for me to let What Must Be Done remain undone while What Needn't Be Done is indulged in on a whim. Which is why, during this terribly busy time for most people who work in the tax business, I have managed to complete a washcloth and wrist warmers, begun and nearly finished a baby/toddler sweater, and am planning an afghan well as read at least a dozen books. Of course, ask my BH what has been neglected and he will firmly and resoundingly reply, "ME!"

Poor thing.

So now that taxes are done, I've begun thinking about gardening and have even ordered seeds from Seeds of Change. Since I ordered so late, I missed out on a few things but my fellas don't thrive on vegetables unless they are in the form of pizza sauce so I guess it's no great loss. OH, except for sweet corn which BH is extremely keen to get in the ground so we can have corn for July 4. In the northern part of Wisconsin, it is an accepted fact of life that gardens do Not go in until after the 15th of May. Accept, of course, for potatoes which Must be planted on Good Friday. So yesterday, April 20th, when BH called me at work and wanted to know if I wanted to plant sweet corn this weekend...I was a little stunned. THEN he informed me that we were going to start planting...meaning regular field corn in the So that means that now my life will be full of feeding hungry farmers, running to the implement dealer for parts, driving tractor (I hope!) and being all around "gofer."

So, if it isn't one's another.

Life is like that.

Lovely, hmmm?

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